Stricture Urethra

Urethral Stricture is defined as any narrowing of the urethra for any cause, regardless of whether or not it affects the flow of urine out of the bladder. Any urethral inflammation can cause scarring, which can lead to a stricture or narrowing of the urethra. Urethral narrowing or stricture may be caused by trauma, infection, cancers, operations, or some other source of scarring.

Urethral stricture may also be caused by mechanical narrowing of the urethra without scar-forming (due to developmental factors or prostate enlargement). Urethral stricture is much more common in men and boys than in women and children. In females, this syndrome is considered uncommon.

According to the Best Urologist In Noida, Urethral Stricture Causes are:

  • Trauma caused by an injury or an event that causes urethral or bladder damage (for example, falling on a frame of a bicycle between the legs, or a car accident)
  • Pelvic trauma or accident
  • Procedures concerning the urethra in the past (urinary catheters, surgeries, cystoscopy)
  • Previous prostatectomy (TURP or transurethral resection of the prostate)
  • Enlargement of the prostate

Urethral Stricture Signs and Symptoms

  • Starting urinary flow is difficult.
  • Urination is excruciatingly painful (dysuria)
  • Infection of the urinary tract (UTI)
  • Retention in urine
  • Incomplete bladder emptying
  • Urine flow has decreased.
  • Urine dribble
  • Blood in the sperm
  • Pelvic ache

Stricture Urethra Treatment

  •  Urethral dilation is a condition in which the urethra dilates.
  • Internal urethrostomy and laser urethrostomy are two types of urethrostomies.
  • Urethrotomy using a Holmium laser.
  • Urethroplasty is a surgical procedure that removes the urethra
  • MCU stands for Micturiting Cystourethrogram.

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Urological problems may be straightforward or complicated. However, regardless of its existence, it lowers the quality of life. To learn more about urological issues and to schedule an appointment with one of our Urology experts, contact us today.